Sunday, September 28, 2014

Reason for Divorce

                                                 Reason for  Divorce

Divorce becomes a problem in the world. According to 3 Signs It’s Time to Break Up By Pia Scade.“ I couldn’t figure out why was this happening ”. It is clear she didn’t know what is the reason for this feeling. That’s mean there is  not clear reasons. Some people marry without love, and this may affect their lives. There are many reasons for divorce, but in this article she just feels that she needs to divorce.  She thought that there was wrong in her life.In fact, There are some people like her. Some people Aigdron the value of the marital relationship. Also,Some couple doesn’t care about each other. As you know divorce bring a lot of problems to families, so  we need to centers to teach couples how to deal with each other. In addition, the couples have to know that their life needs a Patience. They must know phasioloycal each other, and  each one knows what his role in the home. They must take courses before the marriage. Divorce have to last option because Some relationships need to break up before the occurrence of bigger problems.  Divorce is bad feeling so we need to face it by education the people.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


         Obesity is a big issue in the world. In the article Health Effects of Childhood Obesity '' Overweightand obesity are associated with increased risk for many types of cancer,including cancer of the breast, colon, endometrium, esophagus, kidney,pancreas, gall bladder, thyroid, ovary, cervix, and prostate, as well asmultiple myeloma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma" it is clear It leads to death. We need to fight this problem. The parents must push their children to easy sport such as. Walk, play soccer and swim. They must Encourage their children to eat healthy food to be healthy. Also, Asking  Organization and states to find solutions for our children. In addition, food companies have to change products to healthy food for the children. So, the parents have to teach their children to stay away from fast food and food which rich in sugar and more calories. Also, Schools’ children should participate in educating children about the damage obesity. By the way, The government has an active role to be activated such as, building centers to treat and advice them. It restricts the companies that make food unhealthy and watch these factories. Making advertisement that is commensurate with kids. Obese has a become era disease that need fighting.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

           General Maximus was commander of the Roman Army in Gladiator. He won many battles. Marcus loved him as he loved a son. Maximus also was a farmer in Spain. Thirty-one years old was his age. Maximus personality was a very good man. He was a good man because people trust him, he was brave, and he did not like fighting.
           Firstly, many people trusted Maximus. He led the Roman army to win many battles. The soldiers thought they could trust him to keep them safe from danger. Also, Marcus trusted Maximus very much. He wanted Maximus to be emperor not his son Commodus. When people cheered after the battle, Marcus said “No, Maximus, I believe they honor you.”
          Second, Maximus was very brave. He was a brave soldier. During a battle, Maximus was between two German soldiers. He swung his sword in a circle and killed both soldiers. He was not scared. The emperor believed Maximus was also brave. He said, “You’re a brave man, Maximus, and a good commander.” Maximus also went to his home to save his family. He did not hide.
             Third, Maximus did not like to fight. He said “Dirt washes off more easily than blood, Quintus.” He did not like the war. Also, Maximus did not like the Gladiator fights. The first time he was a slave he threw his sworn on the ground. It made him sick because people killed other people for fun. He did not want to fight.
             Maximus was a very good man. He was a good man because he was trusted by many people, he was a brave man, and he did not like to fight. Marcus loved him like a son because he was a good man. Marcus wanted Maximus to be emperor because he respected him and believed he would be loyal to Rome. He was a good hero of the story.

Gladiator, Russell Crowe

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Azzam Alruwaili                  Ebola

          There are many people dying every day by Ebola. It is 

horrible disease. In the article Window to Stop Ebola Outbreak Is 

‘Closing Quickly,’ Official Warns by Alexandra Sifferlin “The 

number of cases is so large, the epidemic is so overwhelming and 

it requires an overwhelming response,”.  It is contagious disease, 

so it spreads very fast. We need to confront this disease and make 

medicines to control in the virus and reduce the number of deaths. 

World Health Organization must provide the country and ask other 

countries to help them. They need put healthy centers in the West 

Africa.  And processing all precautions to confront this virus and 

reduce the number of death. I believe that virus become dangerous 

and scare all the people in the world, so we need working together 

to confront the virus that becomes disease of the era.