Sunday, October 26, 2014

All people know what is the technology because it is very important today. It discovers amazing. According to Five Positive Effects Of Technology On Education by William McCoy, Demand Media. ''The prevalence of technology drastically affects many areas of society in positive ways, including education. Modern-day students not only have computers to help them with their schoolwork, they also use the Internet for research while teachers use technology to enhance their lessons’’. It is important  to improve the world because it is a good way to communicate. Also, It gives easy life to the people. For example, communication. It uses for a lot of things such as studying, search and advertising. Technology is necessary in the study. It gives the students easy way to get information or explain the examples. They usually  use a computer during  their studies. Also, it is beneficial for tourists or visitors. They  can get a good information about a city or Tourist places. It means saving the time and effort.. The people can make business or advertisement by internet too. It has changed the entire world. The world today has become easier than the past. It makes pump in the world.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

There are a lot of Students study abroad. Studying abroad is a good experience for students. 

According to ''The Benefits of Study Abroad''  by Mary M. Dwyer. You'll come back a new person.

Study abroad will change them for the better. Also, Study abroad gives them a new way to

 learn and  a new information. Some of country push their students to abroad because they will be 

future leaders.They develop their country to the best. They see other people from around the world. 

They make friendship with different nationalities. And see other cultures. Also, some of the parents 

prefer their sons to studying abroad. These parents' choice a good choice for their sons. They will 

rely on themselves. Studying abroad makes them good students. They need to encourage and push 

them to front to achieve the goal.We should encourage the students to study in the best universities 

in the world. They face their life alone.They find a solution to their problem. They will be successful 

in their life. Study abroad is difficult, but it leads to successful. It needs patients. We have to help 

them to achieve their goal. studuing abriad is best choice to learn.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Smoking is a widespread phenomenon among young people. It damages the health. In the article

health the costs.Smoking also causes inflammation and cell damage throughout the body, and can 

weaken your immune system. It is a real danger. It destroys many of the functions of the body.

There are more than 27% in the world use smoke. It is last statistic.This means that 27% of people

their lives in danger,therefore we need to solve urgent. There are several factors that led to smoking,

such as it is available from anywhere, it is cheap and wrong habits. We need to face this issue by

education the people about smoking damage and put a new law. We should learn the children and

young what inside the Cigarette. Most of them do not know what are the components of the smoke

. Also the government has to encourage the people To leave the smoke, and it must be restricted with

smoke factories. It is forcing the owners of factories smoke on the treatment of any person affected

by their products. Finally, Smoking is a deadly poison it need to face strict from all people because  it kills a lot of people every day.